
Monday, July 25, 2011

Memorial after the attacks in Norway 22.07.2011

... we remember the victims after the attack in Oslo and Utøya 22 July 2011


  1. Good pictures Tommy

    our thought are with the Norwegian people.

    regards, Joop

  2. Sorg och förtvivlan föder värme och gemenskap...känsligt och väl förmedlat i dina bilder!

  3. My thoughts are with you - this is really so shocking and unbelievable!

  4. This is so sad! My thoughts are with the people from Norway.

  5. I'm thinking for all Norway people. One sick man and so much sad!


  7. Skulle så gjerne vært i Oslo i dag, er dessverre bortreist fra hjembyen min. Men jeg har deltatt her jeg er - og blitt veldig berørt og rørt over det som er blitt vist på TV.
    Vakkert formidlet!

  8. Sad, even now I feel deeply about such senseless actions !

  9. Toutes mes condoléances aux familles des victimes et à l'ensemble de ce peuple...

  10. My heart is with all norvegian people....
    i dont have words.......

  11. I will include Norwegian people in my prayers.

    Lisa from Electric Bass Guitar

  12. there are no words for that event..only a crazy man can do a similar action..
    a big huge from Italy!

    My photoblog:

  13. Me encanta la primera foto Tommy pero dejando a un lado los gustos, es todo un detalle por tu parte el cual me uno a ese homenaje, un fuerte abrazo para las victimas y para todas las familias afectadas

  14. This is so sad ;i dont have words..
    Greeting from Belgium

  15. Ja, hva skal man i grunn si..., annet enn at en forsatt er litt lamslått og uten ord.

    Oppi alt dette sinnsyke, oppi alt dette tragsike, kjenner en allikevel en stolthet over landet sitt nå. FOR et samhold, FOR en omsorg, nasjonalfølelsen min er sterkere enn noen gang. Det føres så trygt å forstå at en faktisk har et land, et system som faktisk fungerer når det virkelig gjelder. Det er jammen ikke lite i denne verden det heller.

    Varm klem Tommy.

  16. I am truly sorry for that mad shooter it was a very horrible thing.

    I love this blog, you have some good and in some cases memorable photos. Congratulations on that

  17. For noen dager det har vært.

    Håper all den varmen som har blitt vist i det siste kan hjelpe bare bittelitt for de som har fått det helt tett innpå seg!!

    Klart å få noen flotte bilder her, og jeg syns du har klart å fange semningen veldig bra!!

  18. I found you through Leovi, great page! I started my own art blog as well, about the greatest works, come check it out ;)

  19. Heart breaking memorial, Tommy. Such utter tragedy. Our prayers are with the Norwiegan people. God bless.

  20. Best regard to all familie norwegen after this drama

  21. This is so sad.My thoughts are with people from Norway.

  22. Hello, I live in Norway. Do you dont belive me. This Norwagian language.
    Hello, jeg er 11 år og kommer fra Skien. Jeg bor i Norge hvor terror dritten kommer fra.
    It means. Hello, I am 11 years old, I live in Skien. That is in Norway where the terror fuck is.

  23. Good evening! We follow the trial in France of this monster, this is really sad situations like! I apologize for my English, it is not good!
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